Hello everybody! I'm finally back! (after about two YEARS)
I'm so, so sorry I haven't posted before now. It's been too long!
So, Spring is finally here, huh? Some days it doesn't feel like it at all...
We went for a walk to the reservoir this morning. The water was absolutely beautiful. God is such an amazing artist, isn't He? The sun fighting against the clouds and suddenly bursting forth and turning everything warm and golden... the bright yellow daffodils and crocuses... the sun on the water... there was beauty everywhere. I wish I knew where my camera was, but I've lost it, so I don't have many pictures. I will try and post some of the ones I took on Mom's phone, though!
I'm very excited because one of my favorite anime/cartoon studios, Studio Ghibli, is coming to Netflix! I'm sure many of you have heard about Netflix adding Studio Ghibli films in three waves, right? Well, our family has been watching the films for family movie night ever since the Friday after 1st February 😄
So I am (not-so) patiently waiting for the last wave on the 1st March.
I'm actually listening to the songs from the movies as I'm writing this! I guess that shows you just how much I like Studio Ghibli...
Anyway, that's pretty much all the news for today, so bye for now!
Val xx
"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy." - Psalm 96:11-12